


1. The Society shall be called the ‘Isle of Man Medical Society’.

2.The objects of the Society shall be the maintenance of a high standard of medicine on the Island and the furtherance of the interests of the Medical Profession thereon.

3. All duly qualified medical men and women shall be eligible for election.

4. All candidates for election shall be nominated to the society by their sponsors at a meeting and, if no request in writing for a ballot is received by the next meeting, on the agenda of which appears notice of the candidates intended election, the candidate shall be deemed elected. If a ballot is requested, a majority vote of those present shall be necessary for election, except that no doctor who is officially participating in the Health Service as such shall be prevented from joining the Society if he so wishes and agrees to abide by the rules.

5. Each member shall pay an Annual Subscription on the first day of November each year. The amount of the Annual Subscription will be decided by a majority of members present at the Annual General Meeting. Seven days notice being given beforehand.Any member who is one year in arrears with his subscription shall be deemed to have resigned from the Society. Should such a member desire re-election, he shall first pay a year’s subscription due.

6.The officers of the Society shall be the President, President Elect, Secretary, Social Secretary and Treasurer (who shall not also be the Secretary of the Society) for the purpose of collecting the subscriptions and, of expending the funds as directed by the Society. The accounts shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting.

The Rules for the election of officers: –

(1) The President shall be elected annually from among those members of the Society who have not held the said office during the previous three years. He shall take office as President at the Annual General meeting of the year following the year of his election and until then shall be designated President Elect.

(2) The President Elect shall be elected as Vice-President of the Society and be a member of the Executive.

(3) The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Social Secretary shall be elected for a term of one year and shall be eligible for re-election.

Casual Vacancies amongst Officers of the Society

In the event of the death of any Officer of the Society or his ceasing to be a member of the Society or in the event of a vacancy occurring in any other manner, the Society Executive shall have power to appoint some member to hold the office thereby vacated until the next meeting of the Society.

7. The Society shall incorporate within its structure ‘The Isle of Man Division of the British Medical Association’, this title being subsidiary.


8. In order to effect this incorporation the procedure of the ‘Isle of Man Medical Society’ when dealing with matters relating to the ‘British Medical Association’ should be that laid down in the ‘Rules of the Isle of Man Division of the British Medical Association’.


9. Members of the Isle of Man Medical Society who are not also members of the B.M.A. shall not vote on matters relating specifically to the B.M.A.

10. Election of Honorary Life Members

Members of the Society of not less than ten years standing who have retired from active practice may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be eligible for election to Honorary Life Membership, such elections to take place only at the Annual General Meeting.

     Associate Members

Persons in other sciences allied to medicine and who have an interest in the aims of the Society, may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be eligible for Associate Membership. Such elections should only take place at an Annual General Meeting. Associate Members will not have the right to vote on any Society business nor to stand for election to any Society Office. They will be liable to half the annual subscription.

 11. Executive Committee of the Isle of Man Medical Society

The Executive Committee shall consider all matters referred to the Society by outside bodies, or referred to the Committee by the Society at each meeting.

12. The Executive Committee will consist of – the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Social Secretary and Treasurer (if any of these Officers are not B.M.A. members then the corresponding Officer of the B.M.A. Branch will automatically be a member of the Executive); the two Medical Members of the Health Services Consultative Committee who have been nominated by the Society, the representative to the A.R.M, the Chairman Noble’s Hospital Medical Staff Committee, the Clinical Director or representative Mental Health Services, the Chairman GP Sub-Committee and six members of the Society nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting, the Postgraduate Clinical Tutor, GP Clinical Tutor and the Medical Director Noble’s Hospital will be a non voting member; the B.M.A. Local Place of Work Accredited Representatives to include the Senior, Intermediate and Junior POWAR. A Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be elected from the Committee by the members of the Committee at its first meeting following the Annual General Meeting (usually each of these two posts will represent Hospital and Community practice on an alternating basis).

13. The Executive Committee shall meet regularly and a record of attendance of the Members of the Committee shall be reported at the Annual General Meeting.

 14. Ordinary meetings

(1) The Ordinary meetings of the Isle of Man Medical Society shall take place regularly from October to May inclusive.

(2) Not less that seven days’ notice of each Ordinary meeting shall be given to each member.

(3) The business of an Ordinary meeting shall be set forth in the circular convening the meeting and shall come under one or more of the following headings: –

(a) To consider matters pertaining to the Medical and Allied Sciences.

(b) To consider any report of the Executive Committee and matters arising there from.

(c) To consider, subject to the provisions of the Ethical Rules of the Medical Society, question affecting honour or interests of the Medical Profession.

(d) To fill casual vacancies arising among the Officers and other members of the Society.

(e) To consider matters raised by an individual member of the Society to which notice shall be given to the Honorary Secretary.

(f) To transact any other business of the Society.

(g) To transact any business of the Isle of Man Branch of the British Medical Association.

15. A meeting of the Society, called the Annual General Meeting, shall be held not later than the month of November, not less that seven days’ notice thereof being given to each member.

The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be: –

(a) To elect Officers of the Society and other members of the Executive Committee.

(b) To consider the Annual Report of the Executive Committee.

(c) To elect an Ethical Committee.

(d) Subject to provisions of Rule 24 to make new rules or alter or repeal existing Rules.

(e) To transact any business that may be dealt with at Ordinary meetings.

(f) To transact any business of the Isle of Man Branch of the British Medical Association.

(g) The nomination of a Postgraduate Clinical Tutor every three years.

(h) The nomination of a General Practice Tutor every three years.

In the event of the Annual General Meeting of the Society not being held in accordance with the rules, a meeting having similar powers to the Annual General Meeting may be convened with similar notice either by a majority of the late Executive Committee, the President or Honorary Secretary for the preceding year, or any five members of the Medical Society.

16. An Emergency meeting may be called at any time to discuss a subject of immediate importance to the Society, provided not less that three days notice be sent to each member.

17. An Emergency Meeting shall be called by the Secretary: –

(a) on receipt of a request in writing by three members stating the reason as to the need for an Emergency Meeting; or

(b) with the concurrence of the Chairman and/or three members of the Executive Committee.

18. Any member may bring their spouse or medically qualified friends to the clinical section of the meeting. Other persons whose work has a bearing on medicine may be invited by the Officers of the Society.

19. Five Six members shall form a quorum at any meeting except at the Annual General Meeting, when ten twelve members are required to form a quorum.

20. In matters concerning the welfare of members of the profession the decision of the majority shall be the policy of the Society. When the Society is considering the organisation of the Health Service, or any other matter concerning the well-being of the patients, a minority differing sharply from the majority shall submit a report to be attached to that of the majority.

21. The duties of the Secretary and Social Secretary shall be: –

(a) Taking minutes of each meeting and reading them at the next.

(b) Arranging a programme for each meeting and communicating the same to each member seven days before the date of the meeting to which the programme refers.

22. The Ethical Committee will consist of the President, the Secretary, Chairman of GP sub-committee, Chairman of Medical Staff Committee, the Clinical Director or representative Mental Health Services and two elected members of the Executive Committee. The Ethical Committee will be formally re-elected at each Annual General meeting and will act according to the Ethical Rules of the Isle of Man Branch of the B.M.A.

23. All junior doctors be made honorary members of the Society for up to two years.

24. These rules can only be altered at an Annual General Meeting, and notice of such proposed alterations must be circulated prior to the Annual General Meeting. In Acts of Tynwald, the ‘Isle of Man Medical Society’ is recognised as the body representing the Medical Profession on the Island.