Statement on the Wright Report

Statement from the IOMMS on the Wright Report 21/04/2024

As doctors practising in the Isle of Man, we have reviewed the Wright Report and identified areas that merit concern:

1.    Expediency of Measures: The report does not adequately address the promptness of measures enacted during the tribunal case. Rapid responses are pivotal in sustaining public confidence and assuring equitable proceedings. Delays can intensify the strain for all involved stakeholders.

2.    Effects on Staff Morale: Although the review recognises the emotional burden on civil service staff amidst employment disputes, it has not examined the impact on doctors working in the Isle of Man. Legal confrontations can markedly influence staff morale, productivity, and overall well-being. It is imperative to devise strategies that support medical staff during and after such tribulations.

3.    Engagement with Medical Professionals: The report offers recommendations but omits direct contributions from medical professionals who are intimately involved with the Department of Health and Social Care. Incorporating their perspectives would augment the relevance and efficacy of the proposed amendments.

Rectifying these deficiencies is vital for cultivating a just, transparent, and supportive working environment within the Isle of Man Government. The enactment of the report’s recommendations, whilst considering these areas for enhancement, is crucial for fostering positive reform.

The Wright Review, whilst presenting guidance on the management of employment disputes, fails to explicitly acknowledge the significance of engaging with doctors on healthcare-related matters. As doctors, we advocate for a more focused approach that accounts for the well-being, morale, and professional experiences of healthcare workers. 

Engaging with the Isle of Man Medical Society

In designing and delivering health and care provision in the Isle of Man it is of utmost importance that we attentively listen to the insights and experiences of our frontline champions—the doctors. Their expertise, commitment, and unwavering service are invaluable in formulating successful healthcare strategies.

1. Heeding Doctors’ Perspectives:

o   Doctors are at the forefront of patient care. Their insights, challenges, and inventive solutions should steer policymaking. Engaging actively with doctors will result in better understanding of the health and care challenges be it scarcities in resources, mental health strains, or shifts in patient expectations and treatment protocols.

2. Collaboration with the Isle of Man Medical Society:

o   The Isle of Man Medical Society acts as a unified voice for doctors across various specialities. Their insights mirror the broader medical community’s viewpoints. In governing Manx Care, involving the Medical Society ensures that policies are congruent with clinical realities and prioritise patient care.


3. Advantages of Consultation:

o   Doctors contribute evidence-based acumen, ethical considerations, and a focus on patient care. Their involvement refines policy development and execution. Regular consultations promote trust, transparency, and accountability, fortifying the alliance between healthcare practitioners and policymakers.

4. A Holistic Outlook:

o   Beyond clinical issues, doctors comprehend the social determinants of health, community needs, and preventive strategies. Their comprehensive insights are indispensable. In managing Manx Care, collaboration with doctors guarantees an integrated approach that addresses both medical and societal facets.

In summary, the Government must recognise that doctors are more than mere professionals; they are empathetic advocates for their patients. By actively engaging them and forming an alliance with the Isle of Man Medical Society, the government can establish and maintain a robust healthcare system that effectively serves our community.


 The Wright Report is an independent review conducted by Richard Wright KC regarding the management of a whistleblower’s tribunal involving the Isle of Man’s Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Dr. Rosalind Ranson1. The report found that the DHSC’s defense lacked competency, although it was legally justifiable1. The report made 10 conclusions and 24 recommendations, highlighting a failure to identify and mitigate conflicts of interest, particularly concerning the DHSC chief executive’s dual role1. Dr. Ranson was awarded £3.19m in 2023 for unfair dismissal after being sacked as the DHSC’s medical director1. The review also noted the legal action had a devastating human impact on those involved, including Dr. Ranson1. The Tynwald-approved investigation has cost £320,000 to date1. The report’s recommendations include a formal triage system for claims and compulsory training in disclosure obligations for all politicians and civil servants who may find themselves engaged in a similar process1. In response, Chief Minister Alfred Cannan expressed gratitude for the comprehensive and impartial review and stated that the government would consider the findings and respond appropriately1. The Tynwald received the report last Tuesday.

  The Isle of Man Medical Society is a professional organisation that represents the interests of the medical profession on the Isle of Man. It plays a crucial role in advocating for healthcare policies, providing professional development opportunities for its members, and ensuring the highest standards of medical practice are upheld. The society is actively involved in discussions on healthcare legislation, as evidenced by its recent survey on assisted dying proposals1. It also calls for reforms to improve the healthcare system, such as the proposed changes to Manx Care, emphasising the need for a medically led structure and better accountability and resource allocation. The society has proposed the formation of a Professional Executive Committee for Manx Care, under the Board of Directors.